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Ancestral Diet Course - Saturdays

Gift & Experience Vouchers / Teri Clayton
Product Description

Can we find our way forward by going back to a more traditional diet, based on what the land readily provides in harmony with nature? Would this be more energy efficient, sustainable and more importantly - would it better support our health than the intensively farmed, processed, imported and artificially preserved foods we have become reliant on today? This course covers information about what our traditional diets would have looked like and how to find our way back to benefit from the greater wisdom of our ancestors when it comes to food. 6 weekly classes held over 6 weeks Next available course begins : March (date to be confirmed). Courses will be held in the beautiful oak room at Waterloo Cottage Farm with some classes going outside. This course is led by Wellbeing Lifestyle Coach - Teri Clayton MPharm and is part of the wellbeing, food and farming courses being delivered from Waterloo cottage farm.

Supplier Teri Clayton
Shelf Life
Allergen Information
Category Gift & Experience Vouchers